The term night vision often raises suspicion and danger in the mind of a reader leaving him / her amused to believe its existence and legitimacy. But the scientific development accurately has hit the nail in the direction and fetched trustworthy results helping millions extending from soldiers, nature explorers, police officials, security guards and many more to a secure and well informed arena.
The natural lack of tapetum lucidum in human eye makes an individual helpless and dependent on these night vision tools to satisfy the required. The equipment usually is applicable in dark and moonless nights working on primarily two technologies namely thermal imaging and image enhancement. Thermal imaging works by captivating a portion of infrared waves expelled as light from warmer bodies facilitating a clear view with a dull and cold contrast.
Next, image enhancement works on the principle of amplifying a portion of light spectrum which otherwise can’t be sensed normally to view in dark. Apart from the techniques many adjustments too are fixed up minimise discomfort including adjustable brightness, contrast, light and magnification to aid lesser stress on eyes respectively. Further hi-tech developments have lead to the use of high resolution LCD display with about 50Hz of image scanning frequency and aqua and dust resistance facilitating more and more. Though the night vision advancements may be limited to security personnel’s but its utilisation in normal public and adventure groups too can’t be parted a wink and needs to be appreciated keeping into mind the potent dangers they may face.